
Balbi, S., Bonzanigo, L., Giupponi, C., 2011. Climate change and its impacts on tourism in the Alps. The pilot area of Auronzo di Cadore (Belluno). Regione Veneto, Venezia (I).

Balbi, S., Giupponi, C., 2010. Agent-Based Modelling of Socio-Ecosystems: A Methodology for the Analysis of Adaptation to Climate Change. International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems 2(4) 17-38.

Balbi, S., Giupponi, C., Perez, P., Alberti, M., 2013. A spatial agent-based model for assessing strategies of adaptation to climate and tourism demand changes in an alpine tourism destination. Environmental Modelling & Software 45 29-51.

Bojovic, D., Bonzanigo, L., Giupponi, C., 2012. Drivers of Change in Southern European Agriculture: Online Participatory Approaches for the Analysis of Planned and Autonomous Adaptation Strategies, In: R. Seppelt, A.A.V., S. Lange,  D. Bankamp (Ed.), 2012 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. Managing Resources of a Limited Planet, Sixth Biennial Meeting. iEMSs: Leipzig (D), pp. 684-691.

Carpani, M., Giupponi, C., 2009. Ex-post assessment of agri-environmental measures in the Venice Lagoon Watershed, In: Grignani, C., Acutis, M., Zavattaro, L., Bechini, L., Bertora, C., Gallina, P.M., Sacco, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th Nitrogen Workshop: Connecting different scales of nitrogen use in agriculture, June, 28th – July, 1st 2009: Turin, Italy, pp. 575-576.

Carpani, M., Giupponi, C., 2010. Construction of a Bayesian Network for the Assessment of Agri-Environmental Measures – The Case Study of the Venice Lagoon Watershed. Italian Journal of Agronomy 5(3) 265-274.

Carpani, M., Giupponi, C., Trevisiol, P., 2008. Evaluation of agri-environmental measures in the Venice Lagoon Watershed. Nitrogen budgets and surplus indicators. Italian Journal of Agronomy 3(3) 167-181.

Catenacci, M., Giupponi, C., 2013. Integrated assessment of sea-level rise adaptation strategies using a Bayesian decision network approach. Environmental Modelling and Software 44 87-100.

Ceccato, L., Giannini, V., Giupponi, C., 2011. Participatory assessment of adaptation strategies to flood risk in the Upper Brahmaputra and Danube river basins. Environmental Science & Policy 14 1163-1174.

Depietri, Y., Giupponi, C., 2007. Science-Policy communication: experiences of the Nostrum-DSS project in the Mediterranean Region, CAIWA 2007: International COnference on Adaptive and Integrated Water Management. Proceedings CD. 12-15/11/07: Basel (CH), p. 7 pp.

Depietri, Y., Giupponi, C., 2008. Science-Policy Communication for Improved Water Resources Management: Contributions of the Nostrum-DSS Project. FEEM Working Paper(14/08) 13 pp.

Giannini, V., Ceccato, L., Hutton, C., Allan, A.A., Kienberger, S., Flügel, W.A., Giupponi, C., 2011. Development of responses based on IPCC and “what-if?” IWRM scenarios. Advances in Science and Research 7 71-81.

Giannini, V., Giupponi, C., 2011. Improving water governance through science and stakeholder dialogue: experience from Assam (northeast India). CMCC Research papers RP-0115 16 pp.

Giannini, V., Giupponi, C., 2011. Integration by identification of indicators. Advances in Science and Research 7 55-60.

Giupponi, C., 2007. Decision Support Systems for Implementing the European Water Framework Directive: the MULINO approach. Environmental Modelling and Software 22(2) 248-258.

Giupponi, C., Fassio, A., Sgobbi, A., 2008. Evaluation of agri-environmental measures in the Venice Lagoon Watershed. Expert knowledge elicitation and multi-criteria analysis. Italian Journal of Agronomy 3(3) 147-165.

Giupponi, C., Giannini, V., 2010. Participatory Planning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Brahmatwinn Project, In: Swayne, D.A., Yang, W., Voinov, A.A., Rizzoli, A., Filatova, T. (Eds.), Modelling for Environment’s Sake, 5th Biennial Meeting of iEMSs. IEMSS: Ottawa, Canada, pp. 593-600.

Giupponi, C., Giove, S., Giannini, V., 2013. A dynamic assessment tool for exploring and communicating vulnerability to floods and climate change. Environmental Modelling and Software 44 136-147.

Giupponi, C., Mysiak, J., Depietri, Y., Tamaro, M., 2011. Decision Support Systems for water resources management: current state and guidelines for tool development, In: Vanrolleghem, P.A. (Ed.), Decision Support for Water Framework Directive Implementation. IWA Publishing: London (UK), pp. 107-202.

Giupponi, C., Mysiak, J., Sgobbi, A., 2008. Participatory modelling and decision support for natural resources management in climate change research. FEEM Working Paper 13/08 23.

Giupponi, C., Sgobbi, A., 2007. Models and decision support systems for participatory decision making in integrated water resource management, In: Koundouri, P. (Ed.), Coping with water deficiency. From research to policy making. Springer, pp. 165-186.

Giupponi, C., Sgobbi, A., 2013. Decision Support Systems for Water Resources Management in Developing Countries: Learning from Experiences in Africa. Water 5(2) 798-818.

Giupponi, C., Sgobbi, A., Mysiak, J., Camera, R., Fassio, A., 2008. NetSyMoD: an integrated approach for water resources management, In: Meire, P., Coenen, M., Lombardo, C., Robba, M., Sacile, R. (Eds.), Integrated water management: practical experiences and case studies. Springer, pp. 69-93.

Petersson, E., Giupponi, C., Feás, J., 2007. Decision support for strategic water management: mDSS in the large dam context. Water International 32(2) 265-279.