The first window is the mDSS5 homepage, which serves as the initial step in the Tab Bar (referred to as the Introduction phase). The other phases include Concept, Design, Choice, and Group Decision. To navigate between the different windows in the Tab Bar, simply click on the desired option in the upper-left menu.

Above the Tab Bar is the Main Menu, which is accessible in all the five phases. The Main Menu consists of three components: File, mDSS Add-ons, and Exit. The File option allows users to start a new project or open and save existing ones. The mDSS Add-ons provide access to additional features, such as Uncertainty Analysis.
When creating a new .mD5 project, users must choose the type of Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) they wish to conduct. The mDSS5 software offers three options: Scalar Analysis, Spatial Planning (MOS), and Location/Suitability Analysis (SOS). The selection should align with the specific objectives of the analysis.

1. Scalar Analysis
This option is ideal for scenarios where spatial functionalities are not required. It helps users evaluate and choose between alternatives based solely on their criteria performance without considering geographic factors.
2. Spatial Planning (MOS)
The MOS option is specifically designed to rank various alternative scenarios for multiple spatial objects simultaneously based on their performance across multiple criteria. A policymaker could, for example, use this feature to generate distinct rankings of potential energy development options for each of Italy’s twenty regions—one for Veneto, one for Lombardia, and so on. Furthermore, if a single, national, overarching ranking of energy development options is needed, mDSS enables the creation of a single global ranking. This is achieved by aggregating regional scores and applying weightings based on choice variables such as area size or population.
This option is particularly useful for:
- Selecting the best policy for individual spatial objects, enabling tailored solutions for specific regions or areas based on their unique performance across multiple criteria.
- Determining a single policy to apply across all spatial objects, using weighted performances (e.g., based on area size or population) to identify the most effective overarching strategy.
To start a MOS project, users must upload the following files:
- A .dbf file containing attribute data.
- A .shp (shape file)
- A .shx (index file)
3. Location/Suitability Analysis (SOS)
The SOS option allows users to rank spatial objects, such as geographic regions, to identify the most suitable locations for a specific project. For example, suppose a biodiversity restoration project requires identifying the three most suitable Italian regions for implementation. In that case, the SOS tool can generate a ranked list of spatial objects tailored to this need, placing the most suitable regions at the top of the ranking.
To start an SOS project, users must upload the following files:
- A .dbf file containing attribute data.
- Optionally, a .shp (shape file) and a shx (index file) to utilize the spatial functions.
Users can save the current project at any time as a .mD5 file by clicking File → Save project. It is advisable to save progress frequently to prevent any unintended loss of work. Users can choose to load a previously saved project instead of starting a new one by clicking the Open Existing Project button in the lower-right corner of the interface or selecting File → Load .mD5 project (see Figure 2).
The Case Study: Auronzo di Cadore
To provide a clearer understanding of the software’s functionalities and its field of application, this section of the manual introduces a real-world case study. To help users grasp the concepts more effectively, this example is consistently referenced throughout the subsequent chapters of the user guide. It is applied to each of the method options: scalar analysis, MOS, and SOS.
Auronzo di Cadore, a picturesque town nestled in the Veneto region of northern Italy within the province of Belluno, is located in the heart of the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, vibrant alpine culture, and diverse outdoor activities, the town attracts visitors from around the world.

Suppose stakeholders in this area—such as policymakers, citizens, environmental associations, and entrepreneurs—wish to implement a project with two main objectives:
- Enhancing the resort’s potential as a tourist destination to boost its attractiveness.
- Raising awareness among stakeholders about the need for climate change adaptation strategies.
To determine the preferred option for implementation from the perspective of each stakeholder group, the mDSS can be utilized. This tool enables a structured approach to decision-making, balancing the diverse interests and priorities of all involved parties.

The town is very well known as a summer holiday retreat but is less recognized as a winter destination. Its relatively low altitudes make it more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, which could further challenge its appeal during the colder months. Additionally, the town faces stiff competition from neighbouring resorts that boast highly advanced and established facilities for traditional winter sports. Alternative development strategies can be evaluated using a comprehensive framework based on social, environmental, and economic indicators. This approach ensures a balanced assessment of each option’s potential impact and feasibility.