In addition to the NetSyMoD framework and the free mDSS online tool, we provide participatory workshops, training, and capacity-building opportunities.

1. Participatory Workshop about or with NetSyMoD and mDSS
Many workshops have been conducetd with the NetSyMoD approach and the mDSS tool, to facilitate discussions and deliberations for various purposes, related to the management of natural resources, allocation of financial resources, development of local visions and scenarios about the future, etc.
Just like the reference NetSyMoD approach is adapted on a case by case basis, and so is the design, so are also the workshops organised to manage the decision making process.

2. Training on Sustainable Development and Adaptive Management with NetSyMoD and mDSS
Many courses have been organised for different purposes based on the NetSyMoD approach and the mDSS tool, including:
- Training of technical staff of Ministries of the Environment and local administrations of various countries, in Italy, Turkey, the Balkans, Mediterranean Countries, and elsewhere;
- Training of students at Master’s and PhD level;
- Training of researchers and consultants for adopting NetSyMoD and mDSS in research or applied projects.
Training material and course organisation and outline are designed to range from a few hours to several days depending on the specific purpose. The materials are continuosly updated to maintain the syncronisation between the documentation and the methods and tools, and to adapt them to diverse needs in terms of training and capacity building.