This chapter introduces the application of the NetSyMoD framework with mDSS, providing an overview of its practical implementation. It also presents a collection of real-world case studies that highlight the integrated use of the NetSyMoD framework and the mDSS tool.
What is mDSS?
The mDSS software is one of the tools for the implementation of the NetSyMoD methodological framework for Social Network Analysis, Creative System Modelling and Decision support approach. NetSyMoD is the result of the development of a series of research projects coordinated by Carlo Giupponi, in collaboration with various institutions: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC), and the Universities of Milano “Statale” and Venezia “Ca’ Foscari”. In particular, mDSS was originally developed in the context of the project MULINO (MULti-sectoral, INtegrated and Operational Decision Support System for Sustainable Use of Water Resources at the Catchment Scale) and further developed and applied with a contribution of several other projects, including DSS-GUIDE, TRANSCAT, NOSTRUM-DSS, NEWATER and BRAHMATWINN, CLIMALPTOUR. Currently, the software is in its fifth version, which explains the presence of the number five in the logo.

The NetSyMoD methodology and the software tools are designed to support decisions/policymakers in all instances in which there are choices to be made between alternative options in the field of environmental management and with the involvement of multiple actors (Figure 1). The methodology helps combine environmental, social, and economic concerns and encourages stakeholder involvement in creating strategies and making decisions.
Various freely downloadable tools can be used for the preliminary phases of Actor and Problem Analysis and Creative System Modelling (e.g. social network analysis with AGNA, and cognitive maps managed with C-Map), while the mDSS tool is an original piece of software specifically designed to manage the following steps of DSS Design and the Analysis of Options.
The mDSS software is a generic Decision Support System (DSS) developed to assist decision-makers in the management of environmental problems. It can help users to: better understand or explain to the involved actors (disciplinary experts, policy/decision makers, other stakeholders) the problem at hand;explore possible decision options, also within the context of alternative scenarios; facilitate public participation; smoothen the conflicts related to alternative courses of action; extend collaboration with and within different stakeholder groups.
mDSS is developed upon the DPSIR conceptual framework (Driving forces – Pressures – State – Impact – Response), as a higher-level simplified communication language.
- Driving forces are processes underlying environmental degradation such as land use or demographic development.
- Pressure indicators are variables that measures the level of environmental impairment (e.g. total quantity of nitrogen in chemical or biological fertilizers applied per unit of agricultural land).
- State indicators represent the current condition (or change) of the environment (e.g. average concentration of nitrogen in surface or ground waters).
- Impacts represent the ultimate effect of changes of State indicators, or the damage caused (e.g. eutrophication of surface water or water becoming unsuitable for drinking).
- Responses are the policies and measures to solve the problems. They are represented by a set of alternative options to choose from (e.g. alternative plans for ecologically sound production systems, or alternative designs for a water treatment plant).
The DPSIR framework has been adopted by many international agencies and used in many projects and policy documents, including for example the Guidance Documents of the Water Framework Directive, in particular for what concerns the analysis of pressures and impacts.
The mDSS tool guides users through three decision-making phases: the “Conceptual Phase,” the “Design Phase,” and the “Choice Phase.” Simply click on the name of each phase to explore the steps involved!
Conceptual Phase: identification of the issues and problem exploration.
The “Conceptual Phase” represents the start of the decision process, after which the main concerns are usually the identification of suitable model(s) for supporting the assessment of alternative options, and the search of data in the context of the specific decision. The DPSIR approach allows the user to conceptualize and structure the decision situation according to the cause-effect relationships, which describe the inherent environmental problem(s) from the perspective of the decision maker (DM). Typically, after having detected a negative Impact that falls within their competencies, DMs investigate the possible causes to identify possible actions: i.e. they proceed backward from Impacts up to the identification of the most likely Driving Forces. This process leads the DM to the formalization of DPSI chains, which provide a conceptual description of issues, relations, and problems upon which future decisions could be based. In the context of the NetSyMoD approach, the views of key stakeholders elicited during the Creative System Modelling, and in particular the information elements, are formalized as indicators and allocated to DPSIR nodes, thus identifying the knowledge base to be used for the DSS Design within the mDSS tool.
This phase represents the start of the decision process, usually followed by the identification of suitable model(s) and other sources of data relevant to the context of the specific decision. The information collected is then organized in the form of indicators in tabular or geographical formats allocated to nodes of the chains.
The socio-economic and environmental information is stored in appropriate catalogues of indicators and organized according to the DPSIR approach in different formats (e.g. “.dbf” and “.xlsx”), allowing the user to deal with spatial and temporal data series and extract the information that is relevant for the decision case at hand.
The DPSIR analysis represents the formal basis for the implementation of integrated assessment modelling, used for simulations and scenario analyses, which leads to the subsequent “Design Phase” in which the identification of the alternative options and selection of the decisional criteria are finalized, taking into account the results of the participatory activities and the data collection.
Design Phase: option definition and modelling
In the second phase, the possible options – Responses in terms of the DPSIR framework – are defined and the criteria useful for the evaluation of their performance are identified, on the basis of the available indicators. Those variables relevant for decision making, either coming from model outcomes or from other sources, are organized in the form of a matrix – the Analysis Matrix (AM) – containing the indicator values expressing the performances of the alternative options for each decision criterion. At this stage, the indicator values are measured in different units and scales. In the next phase, indicator values are made comparable by normalization and/or the application of value functions and used to fill the Evaluation Matrix (EM).
Choice Phase: Multi-criteria decision analysis
The comparison of the alternative options is the final phase of the decision-making process adopted by mDSS. Using Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) evaluation techniques, all options are judged against their contributions to solve the problem at hand, through the elaboration of the criterion values stored in the EM.
The main aim of MCA is to reduce the “multidimensionality” of decision problems – the multivariate option performances – into a single measure enabling an effective ranking. The heart of any MCA decision rule is therefore an aggregation procedure. Decision rules aggregate partial preferences describing individual criteria into a global preference and rank the alternatives. There is no single method universally suitable for any kind of decision problem; mDSS provides four decision rules: (i) Simple Additive Weighting (SAW); (ii) Order Weighting Average (OWA), (iii) Weighted Order Weighting Average (WOWA), and (iv) the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS).
According to the selected MCA decision rule, techniques for evaluation and weighting of the multidimensional data (from surveys, census, monitoring, model outputs, expert judgments, etc.) take the decision maker to the “Choice Phase”, in which one or more MCA decision rules are applied to identify the preferred option. Evidence collected through local network questionnaires, or by the direct involvement of stakeholders may bring to several parallel implementations of the “Choice Phase” in which every interested actor, or group, can implement their preferences in terms of valuing and weighting the agreed set of decisional criteria.
Real-World Application
Recent experiences with the application of the NetSyMoD methodological framework and the mDSS tool are reported in the table below.
Case Study | Decision issues | Research/ Demonstration/ Application/ Training | Context |
Various cases in European countries | Evaluation of alternative strategies for river basin management | R | Mulino Project (FP5) |
Various cases in Mediterranean countries | Sustainability assessment of alternative strategies for water management in coastal areas | R | Smart Project (FP5) |
Venice Lagoon Watershed (Italy) | Evaluation of alternative agri-environmental measures for the preservation of the Lagoon of Venice | R/A | Itaes/Agenda Projects (FP6 and regional) |
Hinterland of the city of Treviso (Italy) | Design of alternative strategies for the re-organisation of irrigation systems and integrated water management | D/A | Isiimm Project (Meda) |
Coastal areas in the Liguria Region (Italy) | Alternative strategies for tourism exploitation of beaches | R | Regional project |
Cecina River Basin (Italy) | Exploration of strategies for the Programme of Measures of the River Basin Management Plan | R | Doctoral thesis |
Grado and Marano Lagoon (Italy) | Exploration of adaptation strategies to sea level rise induced by climate change | R | Vector Project (national) |
Upper Brahmaputra River Basin (India) | Alternative strategies for river basin planning in view of the expected impacts of climate change | R | Brahmatwinn Project (FP6) |
Upper Danube River Basin (Austria and Germany) | Alternative strategies for river basin planning in view of the expected impacts of climate change | R | Brahmatwinn Project (FP6) |
Lombardy Region (Italy) | Evaluation of Rural development plan 2007-2013 | A | Support to regional admin |
Black See and Eastern European countries | Sustainable public policies and business practices | T | Course for policy makers |
Balkan countries | Local sustainability and actions | T | Course for policy makers |
Alpine region | Climate change adaptation strategies for Alpine tourism | D | Climalptour Project (Alpine space) |
Veneto Region (Italy) | Evaluation of Rural development plan 2007-2013 | A | Support to regional admin |
Albania | Prioritization of dam rehabilitation projects | A | Support to national government |